A Dash of Salt: Your Rug's Best Friend for Red Wine Spills

A Dash of Salt: Your Rug's Best Friend for Red Wine Spills

how to clean spilled red wine on rug

Did you accidentally spill red wine on your rug? No need to panic! The simplest and most effective solution to remove that wine stain is just plain salt. Here's what you do: grab a box of salt from your kitchen, generously sprinkle it over the wine stain, and let it sit for about an hour. The salt will work its magic, absorbing the red wine and turning slightly reddish itself. After an hour, all you have to do is vacuum up the salt, and voilà! Your rug is as good as new, and you'll hardly believe the stain was ever there. We're discussing organic, hand-made rugs that we sell. While you can try this method on other carpets, it's particularly effective for organic wools.
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